South Africa


Strategic Alliance: Jacob Zuma bows to Hu Jintao The Marikana Massacre has exposed the reactionary ANC regime as a client state of imperialism. The ANC is attempting to head off a growing mass uprising of workers by building a new ‘strategic partnership’ with China in the hope that this will produce ‘win-win’ deals to allow…

Victory to the South African Miners! Solidarity Forever!

South Africa: Down with the Tripartite Regime! Launch a General Strike Movement!  For a Workers Government! Build up Strike Committees, Workers Councils & Workers Militia! Since the Maritlwana (aka Marikana) massacre on August 16, the historic betrayal of the ANC settlement in 1994 with imperialism is now coming under growing challenge from below, led by…

Marikana massacre

    Down with the ANC! For a Workers and Poor Farmers Government! The cold blooded killing of 34 miners by SAP (South African Police) at Marikana on Thursday is a deliberate warning by the ANC (African National Congress) that a militant breakaway of rank and file unions from COSATU (Congress of South African Trade…