
Working Class Answer to School Shootings

Working Class Answer to School Shootings The shooting of children tugs at our heartstrings and reflexively we try to solve the crisis of alienation and “psycho” gun massacres with legislative solutions that the NRA will never allow. The youth cry out #NeverAgain to their parents in hope to unseat all politicians funded by the NRA;…

Ferguson is Everywhere

  Moralists, academics and journalists, in short the occupants of the bosses ideological ivory tower have “discovered” sociological truths which are the everyday life experience of peoples of color, the working poor and marginalized people. The criminalization of poverty, the school to prison pipeline, the privatization of prisons, the disproportionate “stopping and frisking” of men…

Chavez’s Death and The Way Forward for Venezuela

Hugo Chavez Death and the Way Forward for Venezuela by JohnnBrown For translation: paste this page URL into window after clicking button Hugo Chavez’s Death and the Way Forward for the Venezuelan Revolution With the following observation from the we hope we can dispense with the illusions of what  ‘Bolivarianism’ and ‘21st Century Socialism’…