
For the Bosnian Revolution

  For the Bosnian Revolution!   Bosnia is a creation of the Imperialists and that is why the multi-ethnic workers now rise up against nationalism and imperialism!   The LCC (Liaison Committee of Communists) is encouraged by and enthusiastically greets the rise of a multi-ethnic class struggle in Bosnia that seeks to undo the capitalist…

Rebooting Lenin

  For translation:paste pg.URL into window after click “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They…

Chavez’s Death and The Way Forward for Venezuela

Hugo Chavez Death and the Way Forward for Venezuela by JohnnBrown For translation: paste this page URL into window after clicking button Hugo Chavez’s Death and the Way Forward for the Venezuelan Revolution With the following observation from the thespec.com we hope we can dispense with the illusions of what  ‘Bolivarianism’ and ‘21st Century Socialism’…

Marikana Solidarity up against Centrism and modern Menshevism

In periods of working class upheaval (like those most starkly exhibited today in MENA, Greece, Southern Africa, Spain, and China) the working class struggles to free itself ideologically, politically and organizationally from the shackles imposed by generations of reformers, class collaborationist workers’ and bourgeois-workers parties which, when given the opportunity, willingly administer capitalism’s austerities against…