Posts by: CWG-USA

OCCUPY MAYDAY: Statement of the CWG(NZ)

Over 1000 tire workers locked out in Findlay, Ohio, supported by Occupy Detroit First, let’s get this idea that Occupy is finished out of the way. It hasn’t finished and this is why. You can’t evict an idea when that idea is to make the Bankers pay for their crisis. They won’t and they can’t…

CWG NZ view on resolving the split in the HWRS

Dear Comrades of the HWRS, We don’t claim to have all the documents or correspondence around recent developments in HWRS. We have some of the pre-congress documents forwarded by CR and DJC. And we have a certain amount of email correspondence, including two letters from DW to CWG and to DB personally. We also draw…

Events leading to an Unprincipled Split of the HWRS

Introduction  The rump of what was the HWRS then, a rump composed of an inside-outside faction with neither program nor principles, has expelled the serving Executive Committee elected at the 2009 Conference and departed down the short steep slope to becoming a finished sect. Nothing remains the same, we are taught by dialectics, and things turn…

HWRS on the Greek Elections May 31,2012

The following article was originally published in the Revolutionary Worker #1 the press of the Revolutionary Workers Group of Zimbabwe.  Shortly after publishing this article the inside/outside faction of the HWRS published an alternate position on the elections and  split the organization.  HWRS on the Greek Elections 5/31/12 NO ELECTORAL SOLUTION TO GREEK CRISIS:  CONVENE…