The Helsinki Deal and the American Empire

This article was published by our comrades of the Communist Workers’ Group of Aotearoa/New Zealand: There is a lot of confusion about Trump’s behavior in Helsinki. Is he crazy, a traitor, or dupe of Putin? Nah. It’s not that hard. It’s still about the Great Game for Eurasia. Trump is picking a fight with China…

Janus Decision Attacks All Wage Labor!

Janus Decision Attacks All Wage Labor! The recent Supreme Court Janus v. AFSCME decision marks yet another decisive moment for the American labor movement.  This ruling overturned the previous 1977 Abood v. Detroit Board of Education decision that allowed labor unions in the public sector to collect “fair share” dues from non-union members for the union’s purpose…

Working Class Answer to School Shootings

Working Class Answer to School Shootings The shooting of children tugs at our heartstrings and reflexively we try to solve the crisis of alienation and “psycho” gun massacres with legislative solutions that the NRA will never allow. The youth cry out #NeverAgain to their parents in hope to unseat all politicians funded by the NRA;…