Democratic Left Front

Zimbabwe: Boycott the Referendum! Break with the Popular Front!

  Zimbabwe is going through a process of drafting and voting on a new constitution. It is a total fraud put forward by the ruling ZANU-PF and its Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) minority partner in the power sharing government.  Nothing will change, the ruling class will continue to profit from doing deals with imperialism…

Marikana Solidarity up against Centrism and modern Menshevism

In periods of working class upheaval (like those most starkly exhibited today in MENA, Greece, Southern Africa, Spain, and China) the working class struggles to free itself ideologically, politically and organizationally from the shackles imposed by generations of reformers, class collaborationist workers’ and bourgeois-workers parties which, when given the opportunity, willingly administer capitalism’s austerities against…