
Thailand: Defeat the Coup d’etat Polemic and Program a response to the RCIT

The RCIT analysis of the pro-Thaksin government overthrown by the Thai military invests bourgeois democracy with real democracy it never had and this is methodologically of one piece with their previous errors. The RCIT (Revolutionary Communist Internationalist Tendency) never tires of displaying their semi-Cliffite understanding of the actual democratic content of bourgeois parliamentary democracy. Everywhere they invest…

Chavez’s Death and The Way Forward for Venezuela

Hugo Chavez Death and the Way Forward for Venezuela by JohnnBrown For translation: paste this page URL into window after clicking button Hugo Chavez’s Death and the Way Forward for the Venezuelan Revolution With the following observation from the thespec.com we hope we can dispense with the illusions of what  ‘Bolivarianism’ and ‘21st Century Socialism’…