The Revolutionary Crisis in Greece

The January 25th parliamentary elections were a victory for SYRIZA, but is it a victory for Greek workers? It is to the extent that it opens the road, not to the utopia of an independent Greek capitalism, but rather to an independent Greek Socialist Republic as part of a Socialist United States of Europe. SYRIZA…


US/NATO imperialists keep your bloody hands off Syria! Mobilize to defeat Obama’s war against the Syrian People and their Revolution! The US/NATO threatens to launch missiles against regime targets in Syria. The revolutionaries on the ground have never asked for US/NATO to intervene militarily. They have asked for weapons to defeat Assad and received no…

The Arab Revolution meets NATO/Zionism

The current situation in the Middle East is one of a growing confrontation between the resurgent Arab democratic revolution – popularly called the ‘Arab Spring’ now two years old – and imperialism represented by its military ‘gendarme’, Zionist Israel. The US and EU imperialist powers are attempting to impose a ‘democratic’ counter-revolution, to prevent the working masses…

HWRS on the Greek Elections May 31,2012

The following article was originally published in the Revolutionary Worker #1 the press of the Revolutionary Workers Group of Zimbabwe.  Shortly after publishing this article the inside/outside faction of the HWRS published an alternate position on the elections and  split the organization.  HWRS on the Greek Elections 5/31/12 NO ELECTORAL SOLUTION TO GREEK CRISIS:  CONVENE…