
Defend South Korean Rail workers!

Hands Off Korean Workers! For International Labor Actions to Defend South Korean Rail workers!   The 22-day Korean KORAIL railway strike by more than 8,000 workers of the Korean Railway Workers Union (KRWU) and the Korean Public Services and Transportation Worker’s Unions (KPTU, a federation of unions) against privatization of the state-run service ended on…

Cuba Sold Out!

  For translation:paste pg.URL into window after click In April 2011 in “Cuba for Sale” we reviewed the situation in Cuba following the 6th Congress of the CPC and the Guidelines which it adopted. We concluded that Raul Castro was taking Cuba down the ‘China Road’ to state capitalism. We did not think then that…

The Arab Revolution meets NATO/Zionism

The current situation in the Middle East is one of a growing confrontation between the resurgent Arab democratic revolution – popularly called the ‘Arab Spring’ now two years old – and imperialism represented by its military ‘gendarme’, Zionist Israel. The US and EU imperialist powers are attempting to impose a ‘democratic’ counter-revolution, to prevent the working masses…

China/US Rivalry Asia-Pacific

US imperialism as the dominant world power is under threat. The global crisis of falling profits has hit the US and EU economy hard and the great recession must become a great depression to restore profits. As a result US rivalry with other imperialist countries is hotting up as they all compete with one another to increase their ‘spheres…

Victory to the South African Miners! Solidarity Forever!

South Africa: Down with the Tripartite Regime! Launch a General Strike Movement!  For a Workers Government! Build up Strike Committees, Workers Councils & Workers Militia! Since the Maritlwana (aka Marikana) massacre on August 16, the historic betrayal of the ANC settlement in 1994 with imperialism is now coming under growing challenge from below, led by…