Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes Presente!

The following is translated and reprinted from our comrades of the Grupo de Trabalhadores Revolucionários do Brasil (GTR-BR):

The Revolutionary Workers Group repudiates the murder of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes, and gives all solidarity to family and friends. Marielle Franco was a PSOL militant, had a parliamentary position as a councilor in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and her militancy was based on the fight for human rights and mainly against police violence against the inhabitants of the favelas. She recently took a stand against federal military intervention in public safety in Rio de Janeiro and on March 14 was shot in the center of the city with her driver Anderson Gomes.

Marielle’s execution was a fascist act that reflects not only the state of Rio de Janeiro, but also Brazil, where the current economic, political and social crisis of the country has led to a strengthening of the reactionary forces, most of which are linked to the fascist bands of the police and the army. In Brazil, paramilitary groups defend the latifundia, persecute and execute rural workers and indigenous peoples, while militias and trafficking control the favelas, and the black people; the most oppressed sectors of society are the ones most affected by violence and police persecution.

Therefore, it is necessary to form committees of workers and social movements to organize the struggle, as well as committees of self-defense to defend ourselves. For an independent workers tribunal to investigate the death of Marielle!

The struggle against police violence, the capitalist state and fascism involves the independent organization and struggle of the working class to advance in the seizure of power, in the destruction of reactionary forces and in the construction of socialism.

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