Portent of Supreme Court To-Do

Bourgeois feminism, liberalism and progressives alike want to attribute all the social and economic gains that benefit workers and oppressed peoples to the good work of their party in power and their legacy on the SCOTUS, from Thurgood Marshall’s day onwards.  Marshall, according to the hagiography liberated Black America,  while  Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (RBG) story is that she  liberated America’s women from the glass ceilings of entrenched patriarchy.   The hagiography flows from their pens like the polluted waters flow into Flint!

The liberal mouthpieces want us to believe that social progress is won by great leaders, not the masses in the streets who make their demands unbearable for the ruling class to ignore. RBG did not win abortion rights any more than Thurgood Marshall integrated schools; indeed we had to bump a few fascist and KKK heads in ultra liberal Boston in 1975 to win busing and integrated schools there, long after the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was supposed to have “won” these gains. And Senator Wagner did not win workers the right to organize either, contrary to the civics myth, but Taft and Hartley assuredly did put them back in chains!  To win the right to solidarity strikes American workers still have smashing the Taft Hartley Act on our agenda.

While the “progressives” cry over RBG’s untimely death (she died  five months too early for their liking,) they bowdlerize the old IWW slogan “Don’t Mourn Organize,” which for them now  once more means get out the votes for the Democrats.  Some “socialists” have gone down this road weeping over the fact that the Democrats are not mobilizing the masses in the streets. As if a wing of the ruling class is prepared to unleash mass mobilizations to “save democracy.”  Or as if they could compete with the actual mobilizations that are unceasing for the last 4 years in the fight for Black Lives and against the fascists, which is where the masses are actually fighting for democracy in the streets.  Since the death of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor this movement has grown into what has been reported as the largest sustained mass protest movement in the 21st century.

THE FACE OF TRUMP’S ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN :  Proves once again that Workers and Oppressed need our own fighting detachments to crush fascism in the egg and win democracy!

The Immediate Prospect

The Right gets to pre-emptively preserve Trumpism before the election, getting over on the Democrats who had no preparation for this. Progressive illusions in Biden are now strident, flailing (author Paul Street, et. al., and even Oakland Socialist Blog writer/organizer John Reimann.)  Trump may try to use the Supreme Court in various stratagems to “re-elect” himself without the votes, while relying on legal challenges to sow chaos. At the same time he has been mobilizing his different goon squads to intimidate in-person voters, even as he denounces mail-in balloting as fake votes.

Now it’s plain past gains are as good as gone, regardless of the electoral outcome. Roe v. Wade will be gone, as will ‘Obamacare,’ without regard to the raging pandemic. The gaming of bourgeois democracy, long the rightist dream, is at hand. The thought that whatever voters do in a booth will or even can stop this is naive, civics class simpleton pap.

RBG’s death throws the Democrats into a frenzy. They fear SCOTUS may make the final decision on the election. Or permit state governments the Republicans control to select Trump electors no matter how people voted. This turns out to be “legal” and the court can make it so.

One of the regular (every four years) arguments of those who throw in the towel and vote Democratic is that SCOTUS is the last line of defense of the American democracy. So much for that idea with six rightist judges!

The Democratic solution to Trump’s third appointee to the bench is to add two more justices once Biden wins and the Senate turns Blue….that’s a lot of ifs. They have no answer to such “what ifs” as what if Trump refuses to leave? Paragons of American journalism, such as Time magazine find it “disturbing” that Trump refuses to accept a peaceful transition of power. They immediately seek answers from Generals and Admirals about who will reliably oppose a Trump coup-equivalent. They don’t have a solid answer yet! We, on the other hand, rely and rest upon confidence in the masses, the workers and the oppressed. Our program seeks to deliver all political power to them!

Our solution is mass struggle in the streets and the workplaces, mobilizing the power of the working class and the oppressed in the fight for socialist revolution.  To win we need a fighting Workers/Labor Party that uses class struggle methods to win transitional demands that lead to the establishment of a workers government that expropriates the commanding heights of the economy and initiates a central plan for the economy. A plan for human needs, not exploitation for profits!

Defend Roe v. Wade!

No Forced Sterilizations!

For free, safe abortion on demand!  For full reproductive services including abortion as part of a system of free quality healthcare for all!  For socialized medicine and a Socialist America!

For women’s liberation through socialist revolution!

More about CWG-USA

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